July was a busy month. The squad had 5 members in the summer EMT class and all have passed the class. Two members completed and passed the Emergency Vehicle Operator Course. We tend to run short on drivers. Our members have been staffing the units and many are being precepted on combined career/volunteer crews. Last weekend my volunteer crew was able to precept a career Firefighter driver so he could complete his driving requirements. When we staff our units, it allows for the possibility of another unit being staffed by career personnel. There have been some bad fires and motor vehicle crashes that needed many units on one scene. Having our volunteers out there makes us all safer. At our County monthly orientation meeting, Bobby Eaby, Volunteer Coordinator, has a slide recognizing the over 103,000 hours all the volunteers fire and rescue contributed. That is saving Stafford County taxpayers a lot of money. Aquia Harbour Volunteer Rescue Squad celebrated its 34th anniversary on July 21 st . Many thanks to all our volunteers over the years and to the Aquia Harbour community for the support you have shown.