Can't find the Address?
By Vice President Chris Schoon
October 7, 2020

Can you see your house number from the street, in the dark, when it is raining? I know the subject has been discussed in this space before, but there is still a problem. If you have lived in the Harbour for any length of time you know you cannot rely on the mailbox to find the right address. If all the mailboxes are on one side of the street, it can be even worse trying to find the correct residence. This happened to a crew I was on a couple of weeks ago, 11:30 at night, no outside lights/porch light on and the mailboxes clustered. The ambulance passed on house at 1003 but the other side was 1009. We slowly made our way down to the house when someone was sent out to the driveway to flag us down. Luckily the patient’s condition was not critical and they were taken to the hospital with no other problems.
Fire safety week is this week Oct 4-10th. Have you check your smoke detectors and change the batteries if needed? Also check theCo2 detectors and fire extinguishers.

We have more congratulations in order! Byron Trafton and Cami Gentile passed their national Registry EMT certification exam. They will be starting their probation process to be released as an Attendant in Charge on the Basic Life Support level. Also last month Matt Heindrichs was released as an AIC as an EMT. Matt has been running with us since 2017, having started when he was still in college at Virginia Tech. Matt has several years of experience as he ran on the volunteer squad at VA Tech. Congratulations to all! Great Job! See you at the station.