Remember to call 911
By Vice President Chris Schoon
August 5, 2020

Month 4 of COVID if you count from when restrictions started. While there has been an easing of these restrictions in the last few weeks, we cannot let our guard down. The virus is still with us. Stay safe and protect yourself and your family. Continue to wear the mask when you are going out and will be around others outside of your family, especially if you cannot socially distance yourself.
Did you know the Stafford County Fire Rescue Department is one of only four departments in the Commonwealth that has had no COVID positive personnel? Our crews are wearing the personal protective gear to not only protect themselves but also their families and our patients.
The number of 911 calls went down in March and April but are slowly going back up. In many cases this was because no one wanted to go the hospital where all the COVID patients are. Unfortunately, medical experts have seen a rise in deaths from heart attacks, strokes, and diabetic emergencies. COVID can make you very sick and you can die from it, but untreated or delayed treated heart attacks can result in cardiac arrest. Meaning the heart is no longer pumping blood with oxygen and nutrients to your brain and other organs. Without rapid intervention this can only mean death. Delayed treatment for strokes can result in permanent disabilities and possible death. Don’t be reluctant to call 911, the EMS and fire personnel are there for you.
For Strokes remember: FAST
Face – drooping of 1 side of the face; possible drooling
Arm – one arm drifts down when being held up
Speech – slurred or strange speech
Time- if you observe any of these symptoms call 9-1-1 immediately; note time symptoms first observed. If you wait, more brain cells could be damaged.

Attachment stroke info.pdf  (954k)