Happy New Year!
By Vice President Chris Schoon
December 26, 2019

2020 New start.
New Decade.
New adventures.
New skills to learn.
That happens every time our Emergency Medical Services personnel step onto the ambulance for a call. Start the engine to respond to an unknown malady. Each call means starting a new professional relationship with our patient. Caring for our patient is our number one priority. We learn about diseases and new medications from our patients. While most of the adventurous EMS calls are on TV, we do see some here in Stafford. As all around the country, the increase in opioid overdoses is on the rise in our area. More traffic, more auto accidents. More shootings and stabbings. Our treatments have changed in the 30 years since the Squad has been responding to 911 calls. New innovations. Evidence-based treatments. What really works to save a life? EMS is an evolving discipline.
Visit our web site to learn how to become a part of our team. www.ahvrs.org