April Spring is here. but it is still in the 50s. This winter’s storms have caused all kinds of damage and hazards. The downpours have bowled over my retaining wall in the backyard. There has been damage to trees all over. We want you to be careful with the spring cleanup. Rember the other inhabitants of your yard are waking up too. Not just the flowers. Our “friends” the snakes and spiders are making themselves known too. Avoid reaching into or under objects it might result where the critter has decided to hide. The bite can cause redness, itching, tenderness swelling and pain at the injection site. Some insect bites just require washing the site and over the counter anti- itch cremes but if the victim is having trouble breathing, shortness of breath or chest pain Call 911 and Poison Control. If in doubt, call 911. Our fund drive letter has been mailed. AHVRS is asking for your help to support our members in our mission of serving you in EMS services. This effort will also support our training events and supplement the costs for holding CPR. First Aid, and babysitting classes. The Aquia Harbour Property Owners Association does not fund or make any monetary assistance to the Rescue Squad. Please be Generous when you get the letter. Thank you to the Banner Hallmark Store in Stafford Marketplace for having their employees trained in Hand-Only CPR Thank you for your support. |