October 2023 Many of my articles have had CPR training as a topic of choice. There is a reason. When bystander CPR is started the patient has a much better chance of survival. Last month Stafford County Fire Rescue Department recognized 2 crews who went on to have successful saves for the victims of cardiac arrest in the County. Both patients walked out of the hospital and are living their lives because a bystander recognized the patient was in arrest, activated 911 and started CPR. Our crews took over and with defibrillation and medications, got a pulse back. One of the saves was by our station, the other was in the Rockhill district.
Congratulations to Engine 9 B shift crew and Aquia Harbour Volunteer Rescue Squad members, Matt Heindrichs, Byron Trafton and Amanda Woods.
Congratulations to our new National Registry/VA EMTs – Caleigh Jett and Jay Forgach
This is breast Cancer Awareness Month, so you will see our crews wearing the pink t-shirts. 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. Know your risks. Mammograms are recommended starting at age 40, but earlier if any signs are seen. Finding it early and treating it can save your life. As a thirteen-year Thriver, I know. Visit our website at ahvrs.org Thanks for your support!