February 2023 What a difference from last year. No snow, no power lines down, just cold. As it should be. We still need to be careful when working or playing outside. Common cold weather emergencies include. Hypothermia and frost bite. Frost bite occurs to isolated parts of the body, most commonly ears, nose hands and feet. When first exposed the areas are red and inflamed, the turn grey or mottled white and then stiff and hard. Victims may complain of prickling pain and numbness, movement impairment. Hyperthermia occurs with drop in body temperature (below 96 degrees). The degree of damage and injury depends on how low the temperature falls. The body shunts blood from the extremities (hand, arms and legs, feet) to protect the core. Breathing functions decrease with the drop in temperature. Even if you cannot see breathing, seek treatment. The victim needs to be fully rewarmed. Old adage: “The hypothermic patient is not dead until he is warm and Dead.” First treatment is to get the victim out of the cold. Replace wet clothing with dry Cover with blankets and insulating materials. Wrap the patient from head to toe. With frost bite patients, don’t rewarm if you are far from help and shelter and there is a chance of re-freezing the extremity. These are very basic first steps. Call 911 for assistance.
Congratulations are in order for our new EMT-B members: Justin Carrasquillo and Liliana Nugent. We thank you for your support! |