By Vice President Chris Schoon
December 11, 2016

Did you check your smoke detector last month with the time change? Even some electrical smoke detectors have an expiration date. The United States Fire Administration recommends replacing smoke alarms at 10 years from date of manufacture. Smoke alarms should be installed in every bedroom, outside each separate sleeping area, and on every level of the home, including the basement. Test smoke alarms at least once a month by pushing the test button. Let the family hear what it will sound like, in case of a fire. Practice evacuating the house with the family.
If the smoke alarm sounds, get outside. Go to your agreed upon meeting place. Call 911 from a cellphone or a neighbor’s phone. Stay outside until the fire department says it’s safe to go back inside.
Holiday Safety
Be sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions for the number of light strands to connect.
Candles- 2 out of 5 holiday fires are started by candles.
Keep candles at least 12 inches from anything that burns
Christmas Trees – lovely to look at but can be lethal. 1 of every 31 reported Christmas tree fires resulted in death. Keep the tree at least 3 feet away from heat sources, like fireplaces, radiators, space heaters, candles or heat vents. Make sure your tree does not block you exits.
Get rid of your tree after Christmas or when it is dry.
For more on fire safety visit the US Fire Administration web site
The Members of the Aquia Harbour Volunteer Rescue Squad wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thanks for your Support!